Friday, February 13, 2009

3 levels of poverty in India

After some thought and consideration I have come up with 3 levels of poverty in India that is evident to the naked eye; Poor Very Poor and Dirt Poor. One can be poor and struggle to put food on the table and live in a modest one room shack made of clay or cow dung and have a motorcycle as a means of transportation and several personal belongings including a change of clothes and a blanket for the cold nights. Then there is very poor where they are living in a tent , have a couple of personal belongings including a ripped and tattered change of clothes and if they are lucky they have a bicycle as a means of transportation but still struggle to feed the family at least twice a day many times sending the children out to beg or teach them to be acrobats to perform and then ask for money. The children are at risk in these environments. Then there is the dirt poor they live under plastic tarps or nothing at all have no belongings to speak of and live from one trash pile to the next searching for any scrap of food they can beat the pigs or cows to and resort to begging for food or money from strangers. This environment also puts the children in a very vulnerable position with no shelter or food for them to speak of.


  1. It makes you seriously question american overindulgance in everything from eating to homes to general consumerism(is that a word?)

  2. Thank You for Visiting my blog :)
